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Software Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Version (full version)

Anda Lagi Skripsi Sofware Ini Mungkin Berguna Buat Anda Database Engineering
ODBC Import Updates
. Synchronizing with a data model created in an earlier build of EA will no longer duplicate database objects.
. Oracle packages with code greater than 255 characters are imported without error.
. Oracle views now only imported when user has selected them for import.
. SQL Server 2005/2008 procedure and function definitions now imported.
. Import dialog will no longer allow a second import to start while another is running.
Foreign Key dialog will now allow any MS Access integer data type to reference a column with the type 'counter'.

Transformations and Code Engineering
New macro added for transformations. TRANSFORM_TAGS copies all tagged values to target excluding the tags specified.
Nullable property for Foreign Keys in DDL transformation corrected.
Import of complex generics and enumerations from Java binaries improved.
C++ code generation for interfaces will no longer force constructors and destructors to be pure virtual.
Code generation of activity diagrams containing recursive call behavior actions will no longer cause an error.

Execution Analysis
Native debugger will now display enumeration values in the watch and locals window even if they have an invalid value.
Scripts with no build command will now save correctly on all databases.
Now allow a breakpoint to be set on any line for .Net languages.
Saving of marker sets improved.

XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 export of tagged values improved to allow tags containing semi-colons.
XMI import updated to allow cancel of import when prompted to import package as root or child package.
XMI import updated to preserve the Template Package setting when the package is updated during the XMI import.
EMX import updated to improve diagram compatibility by supporting visibility for Elements and Links and to prevent display of Element namespaces.
XSD import updated to prevent error message when importing elements with a default containing more than 255 characters.

Version Control
Command line based version control providers now support a time-out option.
Undo Checkout using TFS command line client now updates the package status to 'Checked-in'.
Checkout using TFS SCC interface modified to test success by testing package file status.
Incomplete imports will now give a clearer message to any user attempting to run a new import.

New technology supported - ArcGIS
Beta implementation now available (see Add-Ins menu - About ArcGIS)
New profile allows modeling of ArcGIS constructs.
Import and export ArcGIS XML files through the XMI import and Publish Model dialogs.
ArcGIS import and export commands available in Add-Ins menu when technology is enabled.

User Interface
Creating an Action from an Activity using the context menu or paste element dialog now describes the action as an invocation instead of an instance.
Export Reference Data now only lists 'Stereotypes' once.
Operation Parameters dialog updated to allow multi-line notes.
New diagram dialog now selects the first diagram type when technology is changed.
Code editor now disables search and replace buttons when search string is empty.
Author field in options and element properties now support entering a wider name than the text box.
Team Review posts now support printing commands from main menu.
Project Calendar event dialog updated to ensure all events have a name.
Image Manager dialog will now allow images with a 'jpeg' extension.
XMI Export dialog modified to ensure the Publish Model Package dialog will open correctly.

Model Searches
New script type called Model Search provided to add a scripts menu in the context menu of your search results.
Recently Modified Element search now uses a default value of 7 days if no search term is given to a model view.
Custom SQL searches now support returning CLASSTYPE in any position.
New search scripts are automatically available in the search window.
Search scripts now provide instructions for modifying when Search Builder is displayed.

RTF generation will no longer add a space character in the last substitution on a line.
RTF generation of linked documents will no longer leave template markers.
RTF generation from model documents will now generate all listed packages.
Improved printing and print preview of RTF documents where in some circumstances images were incorrectly positioned.
Language substitution for RTF generation no longer goes into an infinite loop when replacing text.
Reporting of packages using IDocumentGenerator interface stabilized.
HTML reports will now export attribute classifiers as a hyperlink to the element defining that type.
Corrected issue when generating consecutive RTF reports.

Other Changes
Default Appearance dialog will no longer set the font for the selected elements when no font change is made.
Multiple improvements to saving a diagram to PDF.
Linked documents will now be preserved when creating a new model from a base project.
EA Lite will no longer clear floating license keys when run.
Baseline comparisons will no longer report false positives because of differences that are only due to changing to version 9.
Audit View modified to improve filtering of changes to features owned by an element when grouping by user.
Reordering attributes or operations will no longer give an error on PostgreSQL.
Migration of composite diagram types, connector tagged values and some profile specific checks improved.
Auditing support improved in PostgreSQL repositories.
Saving from note editors updated so that formatting characters from lists are no longer shown when reloaded.
Saving extremely large diagrams as images modified to prevent inadvertent scaling down of contents under some circumstances.
Export Reference Data for constraint status types will no longer include calendar event types.
Creating a new diagram using the keyboard shortcut will ensure current notes are saved first.
UML Patterns creating packages will now create the packages correctly.
Improved placement of UML Patterns when dropped from the tool box on to a Diagram.
Operation Parameters dialog modified to ensure correct ordering of parameters when adding to the list.
Added support for running a File search directory using F12 hotkey from RTF editors (Notes, Linked Documents, Team Review etc.).
Auto-name counters will now be applied to elements created by dragging text onto a diagram
. The full text will now be placed in the notes when an auto-name is present.

Improved Simulation support for the following
. Nested fragments in interactions.
. Loops within multiple threads.
. Multiple simulations running in different instances of Enterprise Architect.
. Detection of initial nodes.

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